Database of Chocolatiers in Spain
Last update: 15/01/2025
List of Chocolatiers in Spain
Our database of Chocolatiers is the most complete and reliable list to achieve sales, clients and/or potential contacts.Last update of winter 2025 (15/01/2025) of our database incorporates much more updated and verified data, with which you can easily achieve your business and/or contact objectives.
Our data contains the most accurate, comprehensive and validated Chocolatiers email list on the market. We have 250 emails without repetition (unique) in all the country. Phone contacts reach more than 915.
The information collected in our database is perfect for the use of email marketing, telemarketing, direct marketing and any other marketing and/or advertising strategy.
The data offered includes: Company name, Address, Zip code, Localidad, Sub locality, State, Autonomous community, Telephone, Additional tel., Email, Web stite, Latitude, Longitude, Activity, Subsector, Social Form, No. Employees, Billing, Capital, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube.
Pay only for the data that interest you: select the data that is of interest to you in the "Available data" column from the Specifications list (Selecting the data will update the prices and counts) . We offer you free of charge all the data described in the column "Free additional data".
The databases purchased are sent to your email instantly in Excel and Csv formats, allowing you to easily import them into your CRM or your preferred application.

Modify the geographical area
If you wish to modify the geographical area, click on the selection boxes of your interest in the "Geographical area" list on this page.
Volume discounts
Our volume discounts are unbeatable:- 10% discount on purchases from 300 to 500$
- 15% discount on purchases of 500 to 1000$
- 20% discount on purchases from 1000 to 2000$
- 25% discount on purchases over 2000$
We also offer you a 2% old customer discount for any order, if you have at least one purchase made